Virality GmbH
Android 1.16.0 (149) ∣ Sep 14, 2024
About DieSchulApp App
The school app is an innovative school software for digital administration, communication and teaching in schools.
Digital and mobile school administration, communication and online teaching using our school app is simple, fast and direct. Teachers, parents and students benefit from real-time notifications for all important information - conveniently on the device of their choice. This saves the school management, teachers and parents a lot of time and effort. At the same time, students can easily organize their school day using their smartphone and learn how to use digital media sensibly in a protected environment.
Important: In order to use the school app, your school must opt for the system. The number of participating schools is constantly increasing. Talk to your school management!
Important functions:
* School news via push notification
* Important dates such as field trips and school assignments at a glance
* Parents and guardians can quickly and easily report children sick
* Up-to-date information on substitutes and missed lessons at a glance
* Timetable
* Plan substitute lessons online
* Use the digital class register on all devices
* Manage and book parent-teacher meetings quickly and easily
* Various options for online lessons
* Homework in the app
* Provide lesson content in learning blocks and submit assignments online
* Hold lessons via video conference For
more information, visit our homepage at
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at [email protected].
SHOW MORE Digital and mobile school administration, communication and online teaching using our school app is simple, fast and direct. Teachers, parents and students benefit from real-time notifications for all important information - conveniently on the device of their choice. This saves the school management, teachers and parents a lot of time and effort. At the same time, students can easily organize their school day using their smartphone and learn how to use digital media sensibly in a protected environment.
Important: In order to use the school app, your school must opt for the system. The number of participating schools is constantly increasing. Talk to your school management!
Important functions:
* School news via push notification
* Important dates such as field trips and school assignments at a glance
* Parents and guardians can quickly and easily report children sick
* Up-to-date information on substitutes and missed lessons at a glance
* Timetable
* Plan substitute lessons online
* Use the digital class register on all devices
* Manage and book parent-teacher meetings quickly and easily
* Various options for online lessons
* Homework in the app
* Provide lesson content in learning blocks and submit assignments online
* Hold lessons via video conference For
more information, visit our homepage at
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at [email protected].
DieSchulApp Latest Version Info
Google Play ID: de.virality.dieschulapp.ui
This webpage allows you to download DieSchulApp APK file for Android. The most recent version of DieSchulApp for Android is Android 1.16.0 (149). You can safely download and install APK files from our website since we offer original and unmodified versions.
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